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Athletics Office

Welcome to the Tempe High School Athletics Office!

On behalf of the Tempe High Athletics Office, we are excited for the 2024-2025 school year and the participation of the young women and men of the communities we serve.

At Tempe High, we pride ourselves in our athletic teams, outstanding extracurricular activities, programs, and all of our clubs and organizations. We strongly believe in educating and developing the whole person through various learning opportunities and experiences. It is our passion to make sure our students are responsible and respectful young adults. Good sportsmanship rests with all of us, including athletes, coaches, parents, and visitors.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your support and look forward to working together in making a positive difference for all THS students and athletes. Thank you, and go Buffaloes!

Tempe High (as well as all schools in the Tempe Union High School District) posts all sports schedules on the Arizona Interscholastic Association website. Scroll down the page and choose the sport and school. The page provides a schedule of games, times, and locations as well as a map to away games. To view scores, visit AZpreps365.

Planning to attend one of our athletic events? Please follow these guidelines:

  • Students must show a Student ID for the student ticket rate.
  • No outside food or drink.
  • No re-entry.

TUHSD Bag Guidelines

bag guidelines

Athletic Participation Fees

Ticket Prices and Athletic Passes

  • Athletic Ticket Prices and Athletic Passes (ATHLETIC PASSES can be used for all HOME sporting events. Excludes AIA State or Tournament play.)
    • Ticket prices:  Adult $7, Student $5
    • Athletic Passes:  $50 Student, $55 Adult, $160 Family Pass 
      • Student Passes will be sold through the Bookstore ONLY. Adult and Family on GoFan
      • GO FAN but tickets button
        Buy tickets through the GO FAN website by searching for your school.

  • Participation Fees:  $50
    • Assistance options and payment plans can be created with the school administration.
    • Students who qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch are eligible for an adjusted participation fee. 
      • Free Lunch qualifiers will be assessed $25 with a cap of $100 per family.
      • Reduced Lunch qualifiers will be assessed $37.50 with a family cap of $150 per family. 
    • Aktivate (Register My Athlete) - Participation fee payment will not be required to be cleared for tryouts but will need to be paid before the first game of the season.
    • The participation fee will be tax credit eligible and can be used towards your Arizona Extracurricular Tax Credit donation. 

THS Athletics Contacts

Shelly Arredondo 
Assistant Principal, Athletics
(480) 967-1661 x20105
Mary E. Fanucci
Administrative Assistant
(480) 967-1661 x20104
Larry Todd
Equipment Manager
(480) 967-1661

THS Athletics Links

Tempe High Athletics