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Social Studies

Welcome to the THS Social Studies Department!

The Social Studies department at Tempe High School aims to promote classrooms that provide an opportunity to raise questions and examine the world in which our students live. We want our students to be curious, informed, and open minded. Our focus is to teach students that claims we make should be backed by evidence that reflect multiple perspectives and beliefs.

In a world that demands independent and cooperative problem solving to address complex social, economic, ethical, and personal concerns, core social studies content is as basic for success as reading, writing, and computing. Social studies must be a vital part of any school in order to prepare children to understand and participate effectively in an increasingly complex world. Our hope is that the students leave Tempe with the knowledge of key events, people, and trends that allow them to understand their present and make thoughtful decisions about their future. 

"An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people."  -Thomas Jefferson

Social Studies Department Lead

Rodrigo Palacios  
Department Lead
(480) 967-1661 Ext. 28525

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