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Curriculum by Grade Level

English curriculum by grade level

9th Grade Curriculum: 
In Freshman English, students will read a variety of texts including, but not limited to: On Writing, The Odyssey, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Romeo and Juliet. They will determine the meaning, make logical inferences, as well as determine themes and central ideas. Students will analyze the author’s purpose, in addition to creating and analyzing arguments independently. Students will write routinely for extended and shortened time frames, producing clear and coherent writing which focuses on organization, style, purpose, and audience. Students will draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

10th Grade Curriculum:
In Sophomore English, students will read a variety of texts including but not limited to: Harrison Bergeron, OWL-The Purdue Online Writing Lab, Night, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Students will analyze how authors organize an argument and how rhetoric is used to advance and authors point of view. In addition, students will participate in the research process utilizing a multitude of credible sources. Students will produce clear, coherent, and organized writing with the use of in-text citation to support analysis, reflection, and research.

11th Grade Curriculum:
Junior English curriculum is a thematic approach to American literature. The curriculum is focused around American foundational documents, transcendentalism, argumentative writing, and research. Some of the themes discussed include the American Dream, nonconformity, and morality. 

12th Grade Curriculum:
Senior English curriculum is a thematic approach to world literature, studying contemporary and classic pieces. Some of the themes discussed include the hero quest, social ills, dystopia/utopia, and perception. The senior curriculum is constructed around the following anchor texts: Othello, The Kite Runner, Fahrenheit 451 and The Iliad. The curriculum attempts to prepare students for college and career readiness.