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Peer Tutoring

THS Peer Tutoring & Hours

Tempe High offers in-person tutoring. For in-person tutoring, appointments are preferred but walk-ins are accepted.


Location: C-Lab

Day Before School | After School
Monday Lunch
Tuesday  Lunch
Wednesday Lunch & 2:30 – 4 PM
Thursday Lunch
Friday Lunch

THS Peer Tutoring Contact

Angela Marques
Peer Tutoring Coordinator

Location: C-Lab
Everyday at lunch & Wednesdays from 2:30 – 4 PM

Peer to Peer Tutoring Program

All Tempe Union High Schools offer in-person tutoring either before or after school by their own students and supervised by campus teachers. Each campus has tutoring day(s), location, and time(s). Appointments are preferred but not required for in-person tutoring sessions. Appointments are available for those students who prefer to be tutored by a certain tutor on a specific day and time.

Students are encouraged to seek tutoring by utilizing the various options available. Struggling, avoidance, and/or frustration with homework can be supported by connecting with a tutor. Peer Tutoring is a flexible strategy for students to help each other during the evening, to obtain direct and prompt assistance for academic needs. The benefits to the Tutee are to assist in promoting independence and personalized learning opportunities. Tutoring also provides another avenue by which students who may otherwise be hesitant to approach a teacher. Students often feel more comfortable and less intimidated approaching a peer tutor to ask questions, discuss class materials, gain clarification, and/or receive extra assistance.