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Vision, Mission, Values

Mission Statement:
Tempe High prepares all students to meet the challenges of the 21st century global community by helping them reach their full potential.

Vision Statement:
At Tempe High School, we will provide a safe and challenging learning environment for ALL students. Our students are encouraged to discover and build on their strengths. Our faculty and staff will prepare students for college and career opportunities as well as support students in mastering 21st century skills. Our community aims to develop its students into responsible global citizens who are knowledgeable, inquiring, and compassionate.


  1. We will collaborate and contribute positively in our professional learning communities (PLCs) to effectively support student academic growth and achievement.
  2. We will model professional behaviors and interactions with our students, parents, staff, and community.
  3. We will respect and accommodate all needs and perspectives.
  4. We will model transparent communication to our students, parents, staff and the wider educational community.
  5. We will commit to a shared belief that all students must be respected, valued, and supported on a personal and academic level.

A Family of Learners

Something for Everyone